View Full Version : NRA Board Voting
03-23-2015, 03:22 PM
Official voting for the candidate slate has wrapped up. To all those folks who were kind enough to cast their vote for John... Thank you!
03-26-2015, 08:24 PM
I'll be looking forward to hearing the election results. Do you happen to know about when they will be posted?
03-27-2015, 03:12 PM
Nope. For as long as I can remember... the NRA elections process and results have always been in somewhat of a vacuum. Prolly a good reason that just escapes me...
04-23-2015, 12:11 AM
Nope. For as long as I can remember... the NRA elections process and results have always been in somewhat of a vacuum. Prolly a good reason that just escapes me...
Can you elaborate or post results? I find it amazing that I can't find results online, at the NRA or other sites. I'm a f-ing member and everyone seems to not know or not say. F that, I'm pretty close to resigning my membership and doing my best to convince others to if I don't start getting answers from them. I would love to hear the rationale behind the secrecy, bet it puts the bullshit meter hard in the red.
04-23-2015, 10:01 PM
I suspect there's no "secret squirrel" reason, it's just general "big org" disorganization.
Though, frankly, we could probably find it by reading the by-laws -- I'd bet dollars to donuts it's laid out in there.
That and I doubt most members even cared enough to vote (and how many members are even eligible?) in the BoD election, so I can't imagine it's something worth the NRA's time to make noise about anyway.
Edit: Apparently the election results were announced at the members meeting in TN on April 11th.
Edit 2: The other thing that I realize having read the article above is that when you're a massive lobbying organization for something as "divisive" as the 2nd amendment, the LAST thing you want is your internal dirty politics getting aired. Given that, and the above, it doesn't surprise me in the least that you don't find the election information splashed everywhere.
04-25-2015, 11:20 PM
As of now, I do not have and do not know the actual vote count. I am told that John Brown did not get elected in this round but that things could easily change pending other issues at hand. I have no clue what that means.
04-29-2015, 05:07 PM
Sounds like John is a "next guy in line" (vote count wise) for a board slot. There is an internal circus going on at NRA as some board members have announced intentions to resign their post over the continued presence of Board Member Grover Norquist. Glenn Beck seems to be the most vocal one, but the whole "fiasco" is over the idea that Norquist is a member of Muslim Brotherhood. I imagine some folks are waiting for the results of the NRA's internal investigation into Norquist before deciding, but others I expect wouldn't believe a "no, he's not a member" finding and will leave anyway.
Sadly, resources are being piddled away on things like this while there's a "real" enemy out there which those resources would be better dedicated to "combating".
04-29-2015, 10:07 PM
This might be heresy, but I believe that the person that should leave the NRA leadership is Wayne LaPierre. I have nothing against him personally, & I also believe he has done a lot for gun rights and the NRA. However, I believe his time at the helm should be coming to an end. He has become too much of a target and too much of a symbol of what we don't want to be looked upon as. We need fresh blood to not just prevent more anti-gun legislation but to promote pro-gun legislation and take the NFA head on. I remember seeing an interview dated from 1986 where he said he would never end the fight on the machine gun ban. He never mentioned it after that interview.
04-30-2015, 01:35 PM
We are all in a watch and wait mode. Last time I was told to watch and wait ended in chemo...
04-30-2015, 05:08 PM
I don't disagree that a fresh face at the top may not be a bad thing, but I don't know if "right now" would be an appropriate time. It seems like headway is being made against this administration (and against all odds) so any sort of shake up at the NRA could hamper the momentum. Granted, there's rarely a "perfect" time for change, but I think waiting until January 2017 when a new administration would get seated would be a better time as NRA will be in the position of needing to reestablish certain relationships anyway.
Jeff: Ouch! I hope things have worked out better for you since then!
04-30-2015, 09:25 PM
Timing is everything! My chemo was successful and this January saw me celebrating 3 years of remission. So... Woot!
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